In-Built Libraries

Below is documentation for libraries that Whirl provides that aren't necessarily needed when creating a game but can be convenient so as to not reinvent the wheel with common operations you may do as part of a game.

Such libraries include general utility functions, mathematical functions and easing functions.

Utility Functions

Library of general utility functions.


Format Comma

Format a number to a string separating thousands with commas.


Integer <number> Number to be formatted.


Whirl.util.formatComma(1); // "1"
Whirl.util.formatComma(1000); // "1,000"
Whirl.util.formatComma(3985721); // "3,985,721"
Whirl.util.formatComma(9874.56); // "9,874.56"

Random Value from Array

Returns a random value from a given array.


Array <arr> Array to retrieve a random value from.


Whirl.util.randArr([1, 5, 2]); // 5
Whirl.util.randArr([1, 5, 2]); // 2
Whirl.util.randArr([3, 8, 9]); // 9

Random HSL

Returns a random HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) value of either a string or JSON object (hsl(h, s, l)).


Object <cfg> Object that provides optional configuration variables when generating the HSL value. alpha - If given, the given alpha value will also be given with the generated value (hsl(h, s, l, a)).
json - If true, will return a JSON representation of the HSL value instead of a string.
sat - If given, will override the generated saturation value with the given value.
lit - If given, will override the generated lightness value with the given value.


Whirl.util.randHSL(); // "hsl(39, 3%, 7%)"
Whirl.util.randHSL(); // "hsl(48, 85%, 78%)"
Whirl.util.randHSL({alpha: true}); // "hsla(85, 15%, 67%, 0.8)"
Whirl.util.randHSL({json: true}); // {hue: 177, sat: 20, lit: 27}
Whirl.util.randHSL({alpha: true, json: true}); // {hue: 174, sat: 66, lit: 40, a: 0.8}
Whirl.util.randHSL({json: true, sat: 80}); // {hue: 169, sat: 80, lit: 60}
Whirl.util.randHSL({json: true, lit: 45}); // {hue: 339, sat: 52, lit: 45}

Random RGB

Returns a random RGB (Red, Green, Blue) value of either a string or JSON object (rgb(x, y, z)).


Object <cfg> Object that provides optional configuration variables when generating the RGB value. alpha - If given, the alpha value will also be given with the generated value (rgb(x, y, z, a)).
json - If true, will return JSON representation of the RGB value instead of a string.


Whirl.util.randRGB(); // "rgb(149, 64, 141)"
Whirl.util.randRGB(); // "rgb(93, 223, 226)"
Whirl.util.randRGB({alpha: true}); // "rgba(78, 159, 140, 0.3)"
Whirl.util.randRGB({json: true}); // {r: 207, g: 70, b: 192}
Whirl.util.randRGB({alpha: true, json: true}); // {r: 66, g: 139, b: 72, a: 0.8}

Shuffle Array

Returns a shuffled copy of (not reference to) a given array.
Does not mutate the original array, but returns a reference to a new shuffled array based on the original given array.


Array <arr> Array to be duplicated and shuffled.


Whirl.util.shuffleArr([1, 5, 3, 2]); // [2, 5, 3, 1]
Whirl.util.shuffleArr([1, 5, 3, 2]); // [2, 1, 5, 3]

Mathematical Functions

Library of mathematical functions.



Returns the average of the given set of numbers in an array.


Array <arr> Array of numbers to averaged.


Whirl.math.average([1, 2, 3]); // 2
Whirl.math.average([1, 2, 3, 4]); // 2.5
Whirl.math.average([8, 3, 9.2, 12, 5.5]); // 7.540000000000001

Between Bounds

Returns true if a given value is greater than or equal to a minimum value and less than a maximum value, otherwise returns false.

Whirl.math.between(<val>, <min>, <max>, <leniency>)

Number <val> Value to be checked if it is between the minimum and maximum.

Number <min> Minimum value of the range to be checked.

Number <max> Maximum value of the range to be checked.

Number <leniency> (Optional) (Default: 0) If given, will still return true if the value is outside of the minimum or maximum range but still within the leniency value's range from the minimum or maximum value.
For example, will still return true if <val> is two (2), <min> is four (4) and <leniency> is three (3) because two (2) (<val>) is still at most three (3) (<leniency>) away from four (4) (<min>).


Whirl.math.between(8, 5, 10); // true
Whirl.math.between(12, 5, 10); // false
Whirl.math.between(12, 5, 10, 4); // true


Clamps a given value between a given minimum and maximum value.
Returns the given value if it is within the range, otherwise returns the minimum or maximum value if the value is lower than or greater than the given range, respectivly.

Whirl.math.clamp(<val>, <min>, <max>)

Number <val> Value to be clamped.

Number <min> Minimum value of the range to be clamped to.

Number <max> Minimum value of the range to be clamped to.


Whirl.math.clamp(10, 5, 15); // 10
Whirl.math.clamp(12, 5, 15); // 12
Whirl.math.clamp(3, 5, 15); // 5
Whirl.math.clamp(19, 5, 15); // 15

Linear Interpolation

Interpolate between a given start and end value by a given interpolant value.

Whirl.math.lerp(<start>, <end>, <through>)

Number <start> Start or beginning value.

Number <end> Last or ending value.

Float <through> Value being the interpolant between the start and end values.


Whirl.math.lerp(0, 100, 0.1); // 10
Whirl.math.lerp(0, 50, 0.5); // 25
Whirl.math.lerp(50, 0, 0.5); // 25
Whirl.math.lerp(0, 50, 2); // 100

Map Value Between Ranges

Extrapolate how far through a given range of values a given point is to another given range of values.

For example, five (5) is fifty percent (50%) of the way between zero (0) and ten (10). To map the given point linearly between the range zero (0) to ten (10) to the range fifty (50) to one-hundred (100) would mean going fifty percent (50%) of the way between fifty (50) and one-hundred (100) to get seventy-five (75).<value>, <in_min>, <in_max>, <out_min>, <out_max>)

Number <value> Value to use as a point between the first given range.

Number <in_min> Lower bound of the input range.

Number <in_max> Upper bound of the input range.

Number <out_min> Lower bound of the output range.

Number <out_max> Upper bound of the output range.

Example(s):, 3, 7, 50, 100); // 75, 0, 50, 100, 200); // 150, 50, 100, 1000, 2000); // 1500, 10, 20, 100, 200); // 50


Returns a random float in the range of zero (0) to one (1) (inclusive of zero (0) but not of one (1)).
If one argument is given then will return an integer in the range of zero (0) up to the given value.
If two arguments are given then will return an integer in the range between the two given arguments.

Whirl.math.random(<a>, <b>)

Number <a> (Optional) If given without <b> being given, will be the upper bound of the range of the random number.
If given with <b> being given, will be the lower bound of the range of the random number.

Number <b> (Optional) The upper bound of the range of the random number.


Whirl.math.random(); // 0.6019569996537999
Whirl.math.random(); // 0.2947829307200911

Whirl.math.random(5); // 0
Whirl.math.random(5); // 4

Whirl.math.random(5, 10); // 7
Whirl.math.random(5, 10); // 9


Rounds a given value to the nearest multiple of a given value.
If no rounding number is given, will round the value to the nearest integer.

Whirl.math.roundTo(<num>, <rounder>)

Number <num> Number to be rounded.

Integer <rounder> (Optional) (Default: 1) Multiple to round the <num> value to.


Whirl.math.roundTo(89, 100); // 100
Whirl.math.roundTo(24, 100); // 0
Whirl.math.roundTo(5, 10); // 10
Whirl.math.roundTo(1729, 200); // 1800

Step Towards

Steps/Increments a given value towards a target value by a given increment.
If after stepping/incrementing the value it exceeds the target then the target itself will be returned.

Whirl.math.stepTo(<val>, <target>, <increment>)

Number <val> Value to step.

Number <target> Target value to step the given value towards.

Number <increment> (Optional) (Default: 1) Increment to move the given value by.


Whirl.math.stepTo(5, 10); // 6
Whirl.math.stepTo(5, 10, 3); // 8
Whirl.math.stepTo(6, 1, 3); // 3

Whirl.math.stepTo(7, 0, 8); // 0
Whirl.math.stepTo(10, 14, 20); // 14

Easing Functions

Library of easing functions to alter the rate of change of a given value.

Function Description
Linear No acceleration.
In Acceleration from zero velocity.
Out Decelerating to zero velocity.
In Out Acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.


Implies a linear rate of change (t).



Implies a rate of change by a degree of two (2) (t^2);<t>)




Implies a rate of change by a degree of three (3) (t^3);<t>)

